Technique Development
Developing new tools and techniques is a longstanding cornerstone of the research that we do. We employ cutting-edge techniques, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), cognitive and behavioral assessments, genomics, and biomechanics in clinical research and patient care. We also develop new methods for both acquiring and analyzing data – in particular, by developing quantitative analysis methods for MRI, including diffusion, perfusion, and functional MRI.
Our laboratory has long been a leader in the development and validation of techniques for the quantification of imaging abnormalities in individual patients. These approaches have enabled clinical translation and opened the door to an appreciation of interindividual differences in the distribution and location of disease.
News & Media:
FOX NEWS JUNE 11, 2012
New imaging technique may help predict long-term impact of concussions
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT June 8, 2012
Head Injury’s Location Key to Concussion Effects
ABC NEWS June 7, 2012
Novel Brain Scan Can Detect Concussions
Fleysher R, Lipton ML, Noskin O, Rundek T, Lipton RB, Derby CA, White matter structural integrity and trans-cranial Doppler blood flow pulsatility in normal aging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2018 47:97-102. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2017.11.003.
Fay J, Milch H, Gutman, Mardakhaev E, Law A, Lipton ML, MR. Implant: Rapid evidence-based determination of implant safety status, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2018 pii: S1546-1440(18)30260-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2018.02.029.
Kim N, Heo M, Fleysher R, Branch CA, Lipton ML. Two step Gaussian mixture model approach to characterize white matter disease based on distributional changes. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2016, 270:156-64.
Fink AZ, Mogil LB, Lipton ML. Advanced neuroimaging in the clinic: critical appraisal of the evidence base. The British Journal of Radiology 2016.
Catenaccio E, Mu W, Lipton ML. Estrogen- and progesterone-mediated structural neuroplasticity in women: evidence from neuroimaging. Brain Structure and Function 2016, 221(8):3845-3867.
Jaspan O, Fleysher R, Lipton ML, Compressed Sensing MRI: A review of the clinical literature, British Journal of Radiology, 2015; 88: 20150487.
Suri AK, Fleysher R, Lipton ML, Subject Based Registration for Individualized Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI, PLOS ONE2015 10(11): e0142288.
Strauss S, Hulkower M, Gulko E, Zampolin RL, Gutman D, Chitkara M, Zughaft M, Lipton ML. Current Clinical Applications and Future Potential of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Traumatic Brain Injury, Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2015, 24(6):353-62.
Lipton ML, Bigler ED, Clarifying the Robust Foundation for and Appropriate Use of DTI in mTBI Patients, American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 2014, in press.
Kim N, Heo M, Fleysher R, Branch CA, Lipton ML, A Gaussian mixture model approach for estimating and comparing the shapes of distributions of neuroimaging data: diffusion-measured aging effects in brain white matter, Fronteirs in Epidemiology in press.
Sternberg EJ, Burns J, Lipton, ML, The utility of diffusion tensor imaging in evaluation of the peritumoral region in patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors, American Journal of Neuroradiology 2013, 35(3):439-44.
Kim N, Branch CA, Kim M, Lipton ML, Whole brain approaches for identification of microstructural abnormalities in individual patients: comparison of techniques applied to mild traumatic brain injury, PLOS ONE2013 8(3):e59382.
Hulkower MB, Rosenbaum SB, Poliak DB, Zimmerman ME, Lipton ML, A Decade of DTI in TBI: 10 years and 100 papers later. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2013, 34(11):2064-2074.
Lipton ML, Kim N, Park YK, Hulkower MB, Gardin TM, Shifteh K, Kim M, Zimmerman, ME, Lipton RB, Branch, CA, Robust detection of traumatic axonal injury in individual mild traumatic brain injury patients: Intersubject variation, change over time and bidirectional changes in anisotropy. mTBI Special Issue. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2012 6(2): 329-42.
Rosenbaum SB, Lipton ML, Embracing chaos: the scope and importance of clinical and pathological heterogeneity in mTBI, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2012 6(2): .
Dym, RJ, Burns J, Freeman KM, Lipton ML, Is fMRI assessment of hemispheric language dominance as good as the Wada test: a meta-analysisiology 20, Rad11 261(2):446-455.
Lipton ML, Keeping it Safe: MRI site design, operations and surveillance at an extended university health system, Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2004; 1(10): 749-754.
Yarmish G, Lipton ML, Functional MRI: From Acquisition to Application, Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine, 2004; 20(1): 2-9.